[SOLVED] Workouts from Intervals.icu Not Syncing to Garmin Connect App

Hi everyone,

I’ve encountered an issue with syncing my workouts and could use some advice. My coach adds workouts to Intervals.icu, and they appear on the Garmin Connect website without any problems. However, these workouts do not show up on the Garmin Connect app on my phone. As a result, the workouts aren’t automatically sent to my Garmin Edge 530.

To get the workouts onto my device, I need to log into the Garmin Connect website and then manually send them to my Edge 530 using the Garmin Express app.

Has anyone else experienced this issue? Does anyone have any suggestions on how to fix it so that the workouts sync directly to the Garmin Connect app and my Edge 530?

Thanks in advance for your help!

Are you definitely logged into the same Garmin account in the connect app on your phone? If you see them on the GC website they should also be visible in the GC app.

Good morning David

You are absolutely right!

I had a different account and had no idea!

Thanks so much. Have a great day

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