[SOLVED] Plan Compliance incorrect at high intensity session

I did a 20 minute running test today and the plan compliancy seems incorrect. My planned workout is:

- 5m Z1 HR
Main workout
- 20m Z3 HR
- 5m Z1 HR

This doesn’t capture the performed workout where I was a lot of time in HR Zone 5 and above. However, the plan compliance is 103%. See screenshot below for more info.

Is this a bug or am I missing something crucial?


What was the final workout load? Cant’ see from screesnhot.

The planned workout load is 32

103% compliance should mean your final workout load is 33?

It’s likely that you have your Training Load Priority set with Pace ahead of HR in the Settings page (I believe the default is Power, Pace, HR). This makes it so that the activity load (and thus compliance) is calculated with Pace Load instead of HR Load. You can check if I’m right (and change the Load value!) on your activity, e.g.:


You can change how load is calculated for Running activities globally on the Settings page:


The compliance check only considers the planned vs actual training load. In this case the planned load is 32 and the actual is 33 hence 103%.

It looks like the load for the run might be underestimated. You can click the training load number to see where it came from:

So your pace load is very different to the load from HR. Your threshold HR went up +12 bpm from the activity so the HR load is likely an overestimate. But your threshold pace might be set too high causing pace load to underestimate.

The load calculation used is controlled per sport in /settings:

You can change this to one of the options that has HR first. Then go back to the run and do Actions → Re-analyze to get HR based load.

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Thanks a lot @david, @tlgs . I had already changed the training load priority on biking but missed to do so on the running tab. Changing it to HR with top priority results in compliancy of 188, which is what I would expect!

Thanks again