I have created a custom activity field “Gear Inches” (integer) to track which gear I was using for training and racing on the track. I would like to look at my max rpm and max power based on which gear I’m riding/racing on the track.
I can’t seem to find ‘max rpm’ or ‘max cadence’ as a column option on the activities view. I do have “Ride pMax”.
However, I can’t find “Ride pMax” when creating a compare chart with a ‘max cadence’ value. I can find “Avg Power” and then select “Max” but that is not what i’m looking for
as it’s, obviously, not my max power.
Ultimately, i would like to create compare charts showing “Ride pMax” vs “Gear Inches” and “Max Cadence” vs “Gear Inches”… also “Ride pMax”/“Max Cadence” vs Gear Inches to give me insights on my gearing choices in specific efforts and/or races on the track.
Would it be possible to expose “Max Cadence” on the Activities view?
Would it be possible to expose “Max Cadence” and “Ride pMax” on the axis selection for Compare charts?
Would it be possible to create a “Max Rpm/Ride pMax” option too?
Cheers and thank you!
Looking at the Fitness charts… I think “Best Power” and the ability to choose time (5s, 30s, 1min, etc.) is perfect…but only available on Fitness charts. Any way to expose that in the Compare chart axis set up? 
Follow up: I was inspired by another thread to try a few things out on the Fitness charts with a custom set up. But i found out Best Power won’t work. I just realized it is literally ‘best power’ per season. Not Best power per workout.
I did find a way to get Gear Inches as a line chart with my best Power for 5, 15, 30, 60s as dots…over time (as is the case on the Custom charts in the Fitness page). However, it is difficult to compare this performance against gear inches as a whole when the x axis is time.
I’ll go back to the request of getting pMax and CadenceMax available for Compare charts.
You should be able to compute the data in a custom field: Computed activity fields
For example, max cadence could be calculated as
cadence = streams.get("cadence").data
c = 0
for (let i = 0; i < cadence.length; i++) {
if (cadence[i] > c) c = cadence[i]
After set up, the field(s) should be available on the compare page after recalculation
Thanks @David_R !! That worked perfectly! 
I now see the custom field column and it has grabbed my max cadence on the one activity i added the custom field.
This is really cool! Cheers