[SOLVED] .fit file does not have step notes and name properly set

Hi there, not sure if that’s a bug or not. but I don’t fully understand how to properly use the Workout Builder… in that case please let me now!

Anyway, in the Workout Builder I can properly set everything but step notes and names.
Below the example (code I put in the Workout Builder windows), the sport type is Bike.

Simple workout
-00m:05s @ 65% FTP, 60rpm, Notes for this step

Technically this is a 5 seconds step, 65% of my FTP, 60rpm as secondary target, and “Notes for this step” as step notes. “Simple workout” string should be the step name (not sure about this).

Below the parsed FIT file (I am using https://www.fitfileviewer.com/ to test generated FIT but on my Garmin Edge device I can say it’s even worse…)

As you can see, duration type and value are ok.
Target type ok (not sure why it took “power lap” but that’s fine), value is 0 (okish), min & max ok but I don’t understand why it’s thousands watts (proper values is 1142 - 1000 = 142W, that’s my 65%FTP).
The strange things here are:

  1. “00m” (so the first part of the duration string which was “00m:05s”) is my workout step name;
  2. no indication of rpm (cadence) as secondary target or something like that (if I could put rpm in notes that’d fine as well);
  3. notes (in my example the string “Notes for this step”) are not present in the generated FIT file.
  4. the initial string “Simple workout” is discarded and not present in the generated FIT file.

Any idea of what I am doing wrong here?


I suggest you take a look at the GUIDE section first.
Hint. Format is

  • note time power/hr/pace

Yes I did, probably a bit misleading if I can…
This is the first example you get:

  • 4m 100% 40-50 rpm, power is less important than getting the torque

Then some rows below:

Steps can have text prompts. All the text prior to the duration or power specification becomes the text for the step. Example:

- Recovery 30s 50%

Anyway, I did some progress and now I can set step text properly.
I used “Add Step” button to see the generated syntax (not sure why I didn’t try it before… :sweat_smile:) and I got this:

- notes for step 5s 65% 70-80rpm intensity=active

Which is great but, unfortunately, I still have two issues:

  1. 65%FTP (that should be 142W) is still written in the .FIT as 1142W, I don’t get why
  2. cadence (“70-80rpm”) completely gone (not present in the generated FIT)

If I can set step notes together with step text (in Garmin CIQ API you can have 2 fields in a workout step, “name” which is the “step text” in Intervals.icu and “notes” that I can’t find in Intervals.icu) that’d be great.

Garmin needs it that way because else Garmin can’t make the difference if target is in % FTP or absolute watts.
If you change workout target to 142W (iso 65%FTP) it will be 142 in te FIT.
Basically, Garmin interprets targets over thousand as % FTP and cuts the first digit.
That is, if I remember correctly. But anyway it is something like that.

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That makes absolutely sense! Thanks for the explanation!

you have several formatting issues.

  1. Do not use : to separate minutes and seconds
  2. do not use @ sign


and fitfileviewer where the steps above are message indexes 7, 8, 9, and 10:

for some reason the secondary target doesn’t appear if you export Intervals .fit to a computer. But it should work if Intervals syncs directly.

What I expected to see in downloaded fit file (what I see if downloading from TP) is both % ftp as primary target, and the secondary cadence targets like this file from TP:

Again last time I used Intervals-to-Garmin840 sync my Garmin displayed both power ranges and cadence ranges.

Thanks for your reply. Yes, secondary target seems to be sent to Garmin but not exported in .fit file.
That’s fine.
So there’s no way to set workout step notes, is that correct?

I don’t know. I’ve only paid attention to the step name (or is it a note?), for example here is “Low Endurance” step name using the web interface and its the last line in the workout file:

I have added support for secondary cadence targets to the downloaded workout fit files (only for cycling). The Garmin API accepts a JSON document for the workout, not a fit file, which is why it was behaving differently.

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Thank you!

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Hi there, still having a similar issue and I don’t understand why.

For instance if I write “Bike Z3 ~ 75rpm” as Step Name / Note on the Garmin Edge text will not be displayed at all.
If I write “Bike Zone3 ~ 75rpm” as Step Name / Note displayed text on the Edge will be "Bike Zone3 ~ "
If I write “Bike Zone3 ~ rpm75” as Step Name / Note text will be displayed properly as “Bike Zone3 ~ rpm75”.

To give you the complete code:

- Bike Z3 ~ 75rpm 2m00s 80% 75rpm

No Step Name / Note will be displayed on the Garmin Edge.

- Bike Zone3 ~ 75rpm 2m00s 80% 75rpm

Only "Bike Zone3 ~ " will be displayed on the Garmin Edge.

- Bike Zone3 ~ rpm75 2m00s 80% 75rpm

The complete Step Name / Note “Bike Zone3 ~ rpm75” will be displayed on the Edge.

What do you think? Any help will be appreciated!

Please note: I am writing Step Name / Notes like this cause I am building a Garmin Connect IQ Data Field that shows me useful info during my workout.

the ‘Z3’ and the number is detected as target and not as step name. Avoid using target language for/in step names.
Last example works therefore correctly but will also fail if you add a space in between rpm and 75.
I would also discourage to use special chars like ~ just to avoid possible issues.

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Hi @MedTechCD, thanks for your comment.
I’ll try to keep my Step Name / Notes as clean as possible!