[SOLVED] Fatigue impact from 1.5h activity as high as from 7h activity?

Two weeks ago, I did a weekend of all-out cycling in the heat, where one of the days I had a training load of 274. In sum over these days the load was around 500.

Yesterday I did a 1.5h Z2-Z3 ride, with a load of 94.

Now my fatigue chart reads the peak from yesterday as high as from this really intense trip from two weeks ago.

The only difference I can see is that yesterday I always stayed above Z2, while on the long ride I went mostly in the upper end of Z1.

Is this a bug, or is fatigue calculated differently than from the load value?

Fatigue is calculated on the last 7-days’ worth of load (exponentially weighted moving average).
Because you have a very low base (starts at zero about 9-10 weeks ago), any big load values relative to your daily activity will show high values.

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100 is not much higher than my usual daily load. The big fatigue peak is now gone, I don’t know what caused it but it seems to have been an error.

If the peak disappears overnight, it is almost surely a planned workout that didn’t pair with the activity.
With, for example, a planned workout with a load of 100 and an activity with load of 120 you will get:

  • If they pair, the load for that day will be 120
  • If they don’t pair, the load for that day will be 220 until midnight. That’s because you might still be doing that workout before midnight. Once midnight, you can no longer do the workout on that particular day and it is discarded by Intervals. You can still make it visible on the calendar by choosing ‘Show Past Planned’ in Options.
  • If you don’t perform the activity, the load for that day will be 100 until midnight. After midnight the load will become 0 because you haven’t done the workout.

If, for some reason the workout and activity don’t pair automatically, you can pair them manualy by dragging one to the other.
Show us a screenshot from your calendar where you have the ‘Show Past Planned’ ticked in Options.


That was in fact it, thank you very much!