[SOLVED] Bike power from Garmin

Am I doing something wrong? The sync from Garmin does not import power on my bike workouts. It goes with heartrate. I couldn’t find the solution on the forum it there was one sorry for putting a new Topic.
Thank you very much

Let’s start with some basic questions to rule out stuffs.

  1. if your bike power from an actual power meter?
  2. if you open the fit file in fitfileviewer.com do you see power data?
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The bike power is from an Elite trainer. And in Garmin it is visible. And it was visible a month ago:

When I check it in the page you mentioned I can see it as below:

When I tried manual import to Invervals it helped once, however now it is not working.

can you post a screenshot of the sync’ed file? like the one you posted. Try adding a field called “raw power” in intervals?

i think it’s possible that Intervals will just use a backup of that deleted file.

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I am sorry. I do not know how to do it.
I have the activity synced through Garmin and strava (both have power) TP also gets it. However in Invervals I have only:

Screenshot from TP

and Garmin. It is in Polish

The crazy thing is that it was working OK and it stopped. The first training (with a trainer) without Power was on 30 Sept. I do not have power meter in my bike my free ride was always without bike power.

i dont know if this will work… but can you check your SETTINGS page and is FTP set there?

i tried on mine, even if FTP is not set, there should still be a power graphs. tho

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Start with the basic stuff:
Are the Power charts selected? Bottom of the activity page ‘Charts’

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Yes the charts are there. And the FTP is set - it was the first thing I chcecked.

Then check if te default power field hasn’t been changed erratically:
Bottom of activity page - Actions - Settings - Ignore Power section. Check if more then one field is available and if the correct one is selected.

And also check if your Garmin is set to ‘Record every second’!!!
Intervals is not so good at handling Power that comes in at irregular intervals. Something that can be caused by your Garmin default setting ‘Smart recording’. In the screenshot from FitFileViewer, I can see timestamps that are far apart and I don’t see a column Power, only Avg and Max power.

Extra question: Were you controlling the trainer from your Garmin?

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The problem is this custom activity stream:

It is using the"power" record field which makes it unavailable for processing by other fields. I am going to fix this on the weekend. But for now I have deleted the custom stream and done Actions → Reprocess File to fix your activity.

I fixed the others using the activity list view:

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WOW thank You All for your support. It is working.

Yes I am controling it from Garmin, and it is working perfectly. I was using GoldenCheetach, but it disconnected a lot.

Hi, I did the steps what you suggested, but still don’t see any power data. In Garmin in. What can be the issue ? thx

I had a look at your run on the 10th of Feb and it seems to have power data?

It was an issue for bike, but deleted the custom stream what used the power and reprocessed all training. Now ok. Thx