Software update message?

Commonly a new software update is announced almost every time I use the application. Shortly after agree to the update, a screen flashes on, but then closes so quickly I cannot read or examine its content. I suspect the screen simply explains the changes made in the update, but I am unsure. Certainly not a big deal, but I thought I would bring it to your attention. Thank you.

There isn’t any screen explaining changes made in the update. What browser are you using?

I make tiny changes most days. I announce anything user-visible and not tiny on these forums and bigger things on Twitter, FB etc…

Thank you. I am using a Mac desktop with the latest Catalina OS. I have only assumed that the message or perhaps banner contains update info, but since it pops up and is gone so quickly I can’t really read what it says. There does appear to be a graph of some sort that always appears on its left side. This is not big deal and it certainly does not detract from your great tool, but I just thought I would bring it to your attention.

Russ Zeckner