Sleep Hours not correct

I’ve just noticed, going back several weeks, I’m seeing lots of dates where my sleep hours are showing 7h57m, I did a quick side by side comparison between Garmin Connect and Intervals and Garmin has the correct hours as I’m definitely not sleeping exactly 7h57m so consistently :slight_smile: Is anyone else seeing any sleep hour sync issues between Garmin and Intervals?

May 13 update: I just did some additional checking and note that my entire 2022 is showing sleep hours of 7h55 or 7h56 or 7h57 with the latter being the most common. This is a relatively recent issue because the sleep hours were correct as I recall from the last time I looked at my sleep hours chart on the Fitness Chart about 2 weeks ago.

Looks like your HRV4Training file is wiping out your Garmin sleep:

2023-05-12 05:12:45.472 DEBUG 1 — [ async-job-218] icu.intervals.wellness.WellnessService : Athlete xxx wellness updated by Hrv4training 2023_5_12_myMeasurements.csv: {“id”:“2023-05-10”, … ,"sleepSecs":28620… }

28620 secs = 7h57

You can configure that to not import sleep by clicking it in the Dropbox section in /settings.

Thanks David, I was wondering if that was the case, I probably inadvertently checked it when I updated the HRV4 settings to use RHR instead of getting RHR from Garmin. To fix this can I select Import all Garmin data in Settings? If so, any concerns about getting duplicate activities etc.?

You shouldn’t get duplicate activities the files should be exactly the same as the ones already received from Garmin. But just untick the “Import activities” box to be safe.

Thanks David!

@David For Sleep data from Garmin. Does it come thru again if there are recalculations done at Garmin’s side? Eg: There are some times when I manually do edits of the sleep hours or if Garmin decides that there’s something diff and they do a recall, does this “new” data come thru to intervals?

eg: On Garmin, Jan 6th shows 5h23m and intervals shows 5h48m. When I look at the breakdown within Apple Health (surprisingly Garmin only shows 5h23m and doesn’t show the “awake” time 5h48m - 25m = 5h23m)

There are a couple more like this.

However, when I push from Garmin → Apple Health → Intervals then it will show correct (intervals numbers will match that from Garmin and whatever garmin pushes to Apple Health)

I did try to do the “download old (wellness) data” and it’s been like 10mins and the number is unchanged. (not sure if the download is done & updated or it’s just the same number)

I also checked my last HRV4Training Dropbox was November 2023

Coros also makes a bit of a mess with that.
On their phone app they use:

  • Total sleep = effective sleep time, Bed-time minus Awake time
  • Total time = bed-time
  • Awake
  • REM
  • Light sleep
  • Deep sleep

But they only send one through the API. And it’s the one I dont want ;-), namely Total time. If for whatever reason, you have a bad night where you wake up shortly after falling asleep, all that awake time is sent as Total sleep time. If they would sent all, then you could run a script to get exactly what you want.

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Apple now does this as well (from iOS 16?17? onwards) And it also makes a mess of how I do the sync and it’s bad when user has multiple “sleep apps” that feeds into Apple Health, so i need to let users know.

When I look into my own Garmin data, I also see this discrepancy. But its not _always this way (as in every record)

which Is why I’m asking to see if Garmin sends updated numbers to Intervals via web hooks later…

From what I can tell, I didn’t do a deep dive, Garmin → Intervals does show up correctly most of the time.

This is from Garmin App… there is no awake time, yet Garmin sends Awake time to Apple Health…

I don’t know but it looks like that might be happening. In the past 24h there have been 2 x 5 incoming web hooks with sleep for the 10th and 9th of Jan respectively.

Tx. Tho it doesn’t look like anything has changed.
The 9th Jan data from Garmin is 6h16m. The one in intervals is 6h31m

Then the download old data for 6th Jan maintains at 5h48m vs 5h23m at Garmin

Such a disconnect in values.

I only use my Garmin for Sleep data and it feeds the data into Both and Apple Health.

Note that for Apple Health, I am looking at the “asleep” values which tallies w/ the number from Garmin.

Perhaps I should switch to using Apple Health to send the values over instead or perhaps doesn’t really matter anyhow.

I’m gonna switch over to using Apple Health for sleep. Might as well since it’s also getting my BP data.

Manual BP → Garmin → Apple Health → Intervals

hi @Nik_Om_Cinderella_Ri did you figure out how to import sleep data directly from Apple Health to Intervals? I dont’ see it as an option. Thanks!

For Apple Health, you need to use a 3rd party app as there are no API for Apple Health which you/ can leverage. It’s all stored “On-Device”

I believe that Android (hence Google and Samsung) will soon not support any API and only store the data “on-device” hence you would need to use a 3rd Party app.