Show %FTP (against Normalized + Avg Power) and %LTHR (against Avg and Max HR)

Please can you add the option/ ability to see the following on the main activities page and individual activities as mocked-up in the below screenshots?

My main use case (and I hope useful for others) is primarily when reviewing more unstructured rides (endurance and/ tempo). For example if I am asking an athlete to go an do an endurance ride at 65-75% FTP with a HR range of 70-80% LTHR this will easily allow me to see if the ride was completed as planned/ described.

Activity Page:


Individual Activity:



Keep up the amazing work :+1:

Nice idea but the problem is always space. Especially for the ones on the activity page. Everything just fits on an iPad in portrait (in English anyway):

Screen Shot 2022-06-17 at 17.33.43

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Hmm good point. I normally review things in detail on a desktop where space is not so much of an issue.

Appreciate might not work in main activity page but on individual activity how about showing the % when you hover over the relevant number(s)?

Alternatively you could click on them and show it then?

Just wanted to see if you had any more thoughts on the alternative layout ideas above to accommodate this?