Share fitness charts

You can now share fitness charts with other athletes and find charts shared by others:

Search for charts on the fitness page:

When you use someone else’s chart you get your own copy. Changes you make do not update the original chart.

Hopefully longtime user’s have some interesting charts to share!

Sharing of activity timeline charts will be available soon.


The same functionality is now available for custom activity trace charts:


This is awesome David! Thanks!

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The speed at which things get fixed and functionality added around here :exploding_head:

I mean, seriously :ok_hand:t3:


very cool. I just searched for and added your charts to my fitness page view

Hi @david - would it be possible to have a Share Chart option for those athlete that you coach please? Eg. they do not need to be following you


This one is really helpful , thanks for sharing :slight_smile:

Hi all,
How could I share the Training load per day and Form charts?
I am able to share to the followers all my custom charts, but not for Training load per day and Form charts.

I need the same for the athlete I coach and for my coach

The PMC, form and ramp rate charts are built in and available to all athletes. They just have to do Options and tick the boxes.

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I see, but how could I see the other athlete’s form chart?