Running L/R Balance not listed

Hi and sorry if it has already been asked, I am newbie at and did not find anything matching in the forum.
I am using a Garmin Fenix 7X in combination with a stryd sensor and the Garmin HRM-Pro to track my running. I do not find any possibility to display my L/R balance (from the HRM-sensor). Is it not available or did I do something stupid :slight_smile:
Using the fiel L/R-Balance seems to be connected to Cycling Power meters, right?



Currently L/R balance is for cycling power meters as you suggest. I had a look at your most recent run on and there is a % field “stance_time_balance”. Is that L/R balance for running?

Correct. It is given in % and it seems the channel is recording the left side only (e.g. 51%). Garmin connect seems to calculate then L=51% R=49%.

I also have been using Garmin HRM-Pro lately and there is some good data on what they call “running dynamics”:

These are all Running Dynamics and its fields on the fit file (some of them already on

Ground Contact Time (GCT): stance_time (ms)
Ground Contact Time Balance (GCT Balance): stance_time_balance (percent)
Cadence: cadence (rpm)
Stride Length: step_length (mm)
Vertical oscillation: vertical_oscillation (mm)
Vertical ratio: vertical_ratio (percent)
Running Power: power(watts)


We can now map the total averages as activity custom fields (not yet per interval). I have created they already and make them public:

Perhaps @david can help with the layout:


I have fixed that layout issue. Thanks very much for adding all those fields.

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These are great! Thank you! Is there any plan to pull the time series of these fields to be able to plot them? Or maybe I’ve missed something somewhere else? It appears that currently only average for the activity is available? Please correct me if I’m wrong.

I think those fields came from session messages i.e. average or whatever for the whole activity. There might be some fields on the record messages that you could use. Have a look at one of your fit files on

I think some of them have already been added. Click Charts → Custom Streams and then the search button:

Is there an option to view on a chart how L/R balance is changing from activity to activity?
After an injury now it would be great to see how it changes.

You can plot the day by day or week by week values in a Fitness plot.

For run?

On Garmin connect web in Reports - Run - GTC balance there is the chart i tried to make or find.