Running Dynamics trends over time

I’ve reviewed a number of earlier posts on similar topics, but I’m not sure what I’m after is possible yet. In short, I’ve added Garmin Running Dynamics data such as stride length, L/R balance, and Ground Contact time, and I’ve been able to compare those data across activities, but that isn’t what I want to know. I really want to be able to compare the average value (from an entire activity) over time, and it would be great if I could do that with two trend lines - one for Run and another for Trail Run, or by Season, or both! Basically I want to understand whether anomalies only pertain to one type of running or the other (for instance an imbalance, potentially related to longer stride length in road running shoes). Is this already possible, and if not, could you add that to the list? It would be probably the most useful application of these dynamics data IMO.

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Actually, being able to compare these data over time per-shoe would be interesting too, as that’s really what I’m after in my request to compare road and trail.

You can try a custom graph like this

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