Runing is not taken into account

It seems my runs are not taken into account on the fitness report graph.
For example, 24th december, I run 6.9km and the fitness curve continues to increase…

It doesn’t appear to have any load from your screenshot. Does the activity screen for the run show a load value?

If you have no load, that’s most of the time caused by the absence of thresholds and/or zones. Set Threshold for power/Pace and set zones for Power/Pace/HR on the settings page for the sport ‘Running’.

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Apparemment, cette activité as uniquement l’allure, pas de puissance et/ou HR.
Il faut aller dans la page settings - run et introduire l’allure ‘threshold’. Puis choisir une methode de zone d’allure.
Quand c’est fait, il faut recalculer l’activité: actions - analyse.

It is as MedTechCD says. You need to capture threshold pace for running in /settings. Then will be able to calculate training load for your runs.

I have a threshold pace in my settings it also shows on the activity. But still I dont get an load value for my run.

There’s power in the FIT file, and by default Intervals prioritizes Power for load calculation. But there’s also a problem with your Power settings because everything is detected as spike…
So first thing, set an FTP value in your Run Power settings and set the spike detection to 999% (you may want to revisit this if you have false spikes, else just leave it at 999)

Then, if you prefer to use Pace for load calculation, modify the Training Load Priority setting to something with Pace as first metric.