Ride Summary Avg Power vs Interval Avg Power


I was looking at the data for a crit over the weekend and removed all detected intervals and set it to laps. Since I didn’t have any automatic or manual lap triggers in the activity it just gives me a single interval as you’d expect.

What I can’t get my head around is why some of the averages at the top of the activity don’t match the averages in the single “interval.”

Example, the power averages at the activity summary at the top reads:


But when you look at the numbers for the interval, it shows:


Specifically how the summary shows an avg of 212w, while the interval shows 264w.

Would this be a result of the enormous amount of coasting being done, with 0’s being included in one average but not the other? That’s my assumption at least since the NP for both shows 239w.


Yes the interval stat for average power excludes zeros. It’s meant for a real interval where a zero is a drop out. You can add “Real Avg Power” instead which includes zeros.

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