Reverse sort Calendar

For some reason, the ordering of dates as most recent first trips me out. Can we have an option to sort it like a regular paper calendar, i.e. older days on top?

Honestly, there is so much goodness in this software - this is literally my only complaint. Thank you so much for the fantastic tool. I am super grateful that it exists.


LOL, I have the opposite complaint in Slack, where the recent stuff is at the bottom :slight_smile:

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Tx. Swapping the sort order is on the todo list. Having newest stuff on top like a typical website seemed the right way to do it for me :slight_smile:


For me at least, ideally the latest week is still at the top, but the upcoming weeks are loaded below.

Yes, everyone will have a different preference as it’s very subjective. :slight_smile: My feature request here is just for the option to choose one or the other. For example, as an option in the “Options” dropdown (or wherever it makes sense).

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Hi David! Awesome work on! I can only imagine how long the todo list is for features, in an already feature-packed program. I would love to see the reverse sort calendar feature implemented! All the best, Craig


I see this post is a bit old. Was this feature ever implemented?

No not yet. Its a bit tricky because the “load more stuff as you scroll down” behaviour doesn’t work as well when the cal is reversed.

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