Request for training analysis

It would be interesting to be able to quantify the vo2max work so that the cardiac “stress” can be seen. All the studies say that for oxygen consumption training to have an effect on the cardiovascular system and to achieve adaptations, you need to spend as much time as possible above 90% of the maximum heart rate, I think it would be a good idea to implement a graph of this type to check this type of training, it would also be useful to see how other training sessions have worked, it is much better than assessing by zones. If for example you have a zone 3 between 200-260 watts, it is not the same to work between 200-230 watts than at 230-260 watts, with the heart rate it is the same.

Check the activity HR page. David has this already covered :wink:

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I have requested something similar. David indicated it’s on the list but I can imagine that list is long.

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