Request ability to comment before the workout is completed

Often times I have comments that I add specific for an athlete that isn’t in the general description of the workout. Likewise, sometimes athletes have questions before they do the workout. It would be great to have the ability to add comments before the workout is done.

Pardon me if this is available in the product now. If it is, it’s not evident to me.


You could add a note in for the day of the workout?

I mean I could, but then same issue… how would they respond?

Interesting use case - I do this a lot, but end up defaulting to messaging my athletes over WhatsApp regarding specific workouts etc.

If you wanted to do it in using current features you could use the inbuilt chat option with an athlete? That way they could respond

Thanks Olly I still view that as a workaround. Then, you’re referring to a specific workout… I mean communication isn’t a problem with my athletes, but this is just one of those things if someone has a specific question on a specific workout they just usually pop it in the app for that workout (I’m coming over from TrainingPeaks).

Appreciate the suggestion, just wanted to provide a bit more context.


I agree, a workaround and having the functionality within the platform would be very beneficial and a feature request I certainly support!

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Alright, just hit one example for an athlete I’m cutting over to Intervals. I have a weekly request that they give me a state of the union each Sunday to recap the week. I put this in Intervals… and, she can’t comment. Not trying to pile on, just another concrete example of why this feature would come in handy.


Is that just a standard note? The athlete should be able to edit that if you have not ticked the “athlete cannot edit” checkbox I would have thought?

Yep, she could but… workaround… that wouldn’t be evident (well at least she said to me “ok I can’t comment in intervals”),

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I agree. Another work around but I am commenting gain as interested in what could be the best work around until such a time the functionality is available…so I can adopt.

Looking at this from a process point of view. If the athlete can edit your request for weekly check in note, then how about asking your athlete to add their own note by return to make sure you get the info?

This is what I request from my athletes, specifically about availability, illness and similar matters that can affect the planning.

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You can’t do this at the moment. I need to add “comments on planned workouts / notes” to support this.


Hello @David,

I don’t want to pile on - I’ve already made the request but now that I’ve cut two of my athletes over from TP and I’ve gone thru a full cycle, I just wanted to share some scenarios, where comments for an incomplete workout is super helpful (and some feedback I’ve gotten). Here are some of my scenarios that transpired.

  • Athlete missed workout and I wanted to make an inquiry for THAT session to see if it just wasn’t logged, there were tech issues with the platform or if it was a miss (e.g. a kick in the pants for him to not miss)
  • An athlete’s pool closed, so she wanted to shuffle things around for when the pool opened. She ended up texting me “considering I can’t comment in intervals I’m texting you - but can we switch Monday and Tuesday?”
  • I post an item on Sunday as sort of a week recap. I can put my thoughts in for the athlete and they can put their thoughts in. I can’t do this, at least as I have in the past, with Intervals. For both athletes, I ended up doing it in TrainingPeaks rather than Intervals (and just sent them a direct message in Intervals).

Again, not trying to pile on, just wanted to provide a bit more context for a normal week’s dialog for just two athletes… if I was using these workarounds for my entire athlete population, it would be add a bit of overhead.

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