Recover RPE After Strava Disconnect/Reconnect

After accidentally revoking access from Strava - and then immediately restoring it - I notice that none of my RPE/strength numbers are present on

This is the primary place where I enter the RPE and how-I’m-feeling data; is it possible to backfill it, or is it lost in the ether for good?



Once you’ve disconnected. Strava T&C requires all data to be deleted.

If RPE still exists in Strava, you can do DOWNLOAD OLD DATA within settings?

Thank you for the reply - unfortunately the RPE numbers I input on are not exported to Strava, so while I can download old data (and have) it appears to me that the RPE numbers aren’t transmitted from → Strava (for me, at least, and I was paying for Strava for some time and last year went back to the “free” version).

in that case… sorry, I can’t help. I don’t use Strava RPE so I don’t know how it works and whether it gets updated from or whether there is a backup copy, only Garmin’s RPE and Feel which I update using my App