Recent indoor swims being marked as outdoor

Noticed that when I filter for indoor swimming on the pace screen most of my recent workouts don’t appear in the curve. Same when I go to list view under the calender. When I filter for outdoor swims there’s a bunch of recent pool swims. Not sure how to change them back.

i believe you can click on those particular activitiies (they will be a date associated w/ them on the curve as you scrub over it) and then you can change the activity.
i’m not sure if that’s what you’re referring to but if yes… that’s how

You can do that for all on the activity list. Filter for those swims, and then select Edit and change the Type back to „Swim“ or whatever you want.

I suspect that it will be marked as Open Water Swim if GPS data is available. If possible, I would try to turn off GPS for pool swimming.

That didn’t work unfortunately. I selected swim from the instructions you shared but they’re still marked as outdoors. It doesn’t seem to be a tag that marks them as outdoors either.

I don’t know why they’re marked as outdoor. There’s no GPS data.

Now I understand. Thought they were marked as Open Water Swim.

You have to add the column ‚Trainer‘ and select these checkboxes

Or click in the activity of the name and then select Trainer

Oh strange. So trainer is the proxy for indoor/outdoor, a carryover from cycling I presume. I guess my setup is a bit wrong that some of my swims have been added as outdoor swims rather than open water. Hence why I need to use this as a filter.