Recalculate load

Hi all,

I am new to the Intervals software and plan to use it as from now.

However, I already had an account from some time ago and my activities kept synching with the platform.

Now that I want to use it, I see that my zones (HR, Power an pace) were not correct and so my training loads (up to yesterday) are not correctly calculated.

I have put my correct zones in and used “apply to all activities”, but it does not seem to recalculate the loads. Also, not if I re-analyse a training or even more, re-process the original file.

Anything else I can do to recalculate training loads with the new zones?


Thijs stores training zones for power as % of FTP. Updating zones on all activities will change the % of FTP for the zones but does not change the FTP stored on the activity. That needs to be updated separately. This is so you can change how you do the zones without losing your FTP history. Training load (TSS) is calculated using normalised power and FTP and does not use the zones.

You can bulk update FTP on old activities using the activity list view. Edit it directly on the grid or use Actions → Edit to update all the selected activities at once:


Thanks, that worked perfectly!

Smart to keep those separated but that you’re able to adapt afterwards!

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