Quick view of races on calendar

The calendar page now has a “Races” drop down showing races for the next 366 days. Click the race to navigate to it on the calendar. Click the A/B/C icon to view it without navigating. Click the search tile to search for races shared by others on Intervals.icu.

Original feature request:


I’ve been hoping for this feature! Thanks, David!

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Works well! (Just added an upcoming race…)
What does the A/B/C represent?

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Hi. Maybe I’m doing it wrong, but I cannot add an event. I just click “ADD” fill in the “SHARE” form for a new event, click “OK” but nothing happens. Am I missing something? Thanks!

Would be great to get a similar quick view menu of races from the previous 366 days :crossed_fingers:

I know you can do this by switching to List View and sticking a race filter on and modifying the date range, but… :blush:

Your new event should appear in the search results if it matches your search criteria. I have added a green success popup to make it more obvious.

Yes but I can’t figure out how to do it without making the “Races” panel look ugly … open to ideas.

Yup, I’d probably have it as a separate panel/menu - although I don’t know what you’d call it for a clear differentiation.

And maybe float the ‘upload’ over to the right hand side and have it as a simple icon alongside the refresh thing, rather than a textually indicated menu. That seems to be the standard approach for manual uploads with other apps/services?

Great feature! I’m wondering if it would be any chance to have it also at the training plan. it could be very helpful to add the races at the training plan because then it makes me easier to find it at the calendar when I’m preparing the trainings the weeks before.

it also can make sense to have a count down view somewhere in the training plan of the nearests races, what do you think about it?

many thanks!

So when you are looking at a training plan the upcoming races for the currently selected athlete are displayed somewhere? I think @Gerald is looking for something similar.

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I have added a drop down with the upcoming races for the selected athlete to the plan view.


How about future and past tick boxes at the bottom/ top when you open the panel?


The reason I would like to see the races in the “training plan” view, is that scheduling is easier with some races (B or C) are used as a workout in preparation for the A-event. Currently, it doesn’t show up in the plan view, but only on the calendar. If selecting from the event, it doesn’t add to the plan view.

As the B-event is a (race simulation) workout, with a planned load, it needs to feed in to the rest of that week’s planned load. Above is what it looks like empty, even with the races showing in the dropdown. I add the planned load for each event, but then it duplicates the value on the calendar once published (see the planned load vs. the target load… it’s double for the day of the events). I will keep it in, but delete the entry in the training plan once it’s closer to the event.
Plan view

Calendar view

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@Olly_Thomas and @FunkyMagic I have added a “Past” checkbox which switches the panel to show your last year of races with the number of days ago they took place.

I think I have sorted out showing races from the selected athlete on the plan. If you tick the “Show on plan” checkbox in the races panel the selected athlete’s races are merged into the plan. They aren’t part of it but will influence the stats and the chart and show on the calendar.

If the athlete has been assigned to the plan and has a different start date set then that start date is used for the calendar when the box is ticked.

You can edit the races, move them around etc. but remember that is happening on the selected athlete’s calendar and is not part of the plan.


Thank you @david , it works perfectly for me.

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Working great. Thanks @david :ok_hand:t3:

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Hi @david quick follow up - I think that the past races should actually take you to races which are linked to a completed activity (or marked as a race) etc rather than to the planned race in your calendar - does that make sense?

Yep. I have made that change. The activities get the A/B/C indicator if they have been paired with a planned race. Clicking them navigates to that week on the calendar like for planned races. Thought it would be best to keep that behaviour the same.

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