Purple supporter marker in forums

It’s coming soon! Currently only showing on myself and my wife because I still need to code the integration. So if you are an Intervals.icu supporter and don’t see it thats why.


Actually you two aren’t supporters, you’re the receivers. Or? :stuck_out_tongue:

Oohhh… I like the purple badge!

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Actually we both subscribe! I had to make very sure that was working so we signed up a few days before it went live for everyone :slight_smile: Likewise I watched the 3 month renewal very carefully …

Setting a good example is laudable :point_up:t4::nerd_face:

I couldn’t find a suitable place to post this message so I’m putting it here: thank you for all the work you’ve done to create and develop Intervals.icu, it’s really a great tool that I never get tired of using. Long live this project and its creator!



EDIT: When I clicked ‘Reply’ on Olivier and posted, how can I see that my post is a ‘reply’ to Olivier’s post?

Tx. I think if your reply is the next message Discourse (this forum software) doesn’t display it differently.

whoa, I see your post has a reply to the top right of it.

How long does the purple supporter marker take to sync once you subscribed through intervals.icu? Is that because my change in email has not synced?

Somehow the code thinks you are already a supporter. I have manually added you to the forum group. Thanks very much.