Power Spike incorrectly clipping sprints

This is not really a bug but more of an implementation issue. The power spike detection feature is clipping all my sprints because I have a low FTP. I personally think that FTP has no correlation with sprint power, my 5 second power increases when I train it, not when my FTP increases. The current method of detecting power spikes is not effective.

At the default 20% level, my sprints are getting clipped at 200-400 watts. You could take any untrained person of the street and they would easily be able to hit these numbers in a sprint. In one of my past rides, it requires setting a threshold of 106% to not have any clipping in the sprints.

Finally, I have changed the default power spike threshold to 100%, however it only affects rides in the future. I am not sure how to change it so that all my previous rides which were incorrectly altered are fixed. I can go through one by one, but I don’t know where my sprints are in all my old rides.


Hmm. I am going to add an “apply to all activities” checkbox to the /settings value.


This is done now. Go to /settings, edit the power spike threshold and tick the “apply to existing” box at the bottom:

It will take a few minutes to re-analyse everything. There is also a little orange marker on activities that have the power spike threshold set (i.e. that have power spikes clipped or that would have had if you hadn’t edited the threshold):

Screen Shot 2020-02-06 at 20.00.02

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Also I think your FTP is a bit higher than what you have it at, based on that 11m effort you did recently.

That was quick! Thanks


@david I’m also facing a similar issue. I’ve recently started cycling post-surgery so my FPT is very low (~111w) and as a result my sprint attempt in unscheduled workouts is being clipped significantly. in my last activity, it has been clipped substantially.

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Adjust the Spikes setting


Thank you very much. Stupid me was keeping this number at the lowest (10%)… :man_facepalming:
I’ve set it to 80% now. things are looking much !!

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