…for exactly the reasons you mention, except my altitude hit is around ~15%! (2500m to sea level) and it makes my charts pretty difficult to interpret that’s for sure
That’s a good idea but quite tricky to get done. The power-duration and other related curves (power vs HR) are computed for each activity and stored. So I need to store a whole new set of altitude adjusted curves. I have added this to the todo list.
One thing maybe worth noting is that the actions->fix data->altitude offset change is always applied after activity initial processing so the ability to reprocess whatever is precomputed, ideally in a batch would be great. I can theory craft features for others to implement all day long tho of course. Thanks for even considering this
I know this probably isn’t the intended use of this feature (also googling and searching the forms I havnt found anything) – but I am going to be at 7k feet/ 2100m the next month or so and wondering if there is a way I can override the altitude from zwift to use something like this so I can compare to my otherrides while I am back at sealevel?