Plotting custom Power Frequency Distribution Chart for activities


I would like to plot a Power Frequency Distribution Chart similar to what Allen, Coggan, and Mcgregor (3rd Edition) show on page 28 in Fig. 3.1 does some like this already but I need smaller Intervals for the bars (e.g. steps for 5W, 10W etc.).

A script to create a custom chart would be highly appreciated.

Here is a start. It assumes your data has 1 second per point and uses a 5 second moving average of power (power data is spikey). calculates these things on an interpolated power stream with 1 second per tick. I need to make that available to scripts to do this properly.

  let watts = icu.streams.fixed_watts
  let maxWatts = 0
  for (let w of watts) if (w > maxWatts) maxWatts = w
  let bucketSize = 5
  let buckets = []
  let x = []
  for (let i = 0; i <= (maxWatts / bucketSize); i++) {
    x.push(i * bucketSize)
  let totWatts = 0
  let window = 5  
  for (let i = 0; i < window; i++) if (watts[i]) totWatts += watts[i]
  for (let i = window; i < watts.length; i++) {
    let w = totWatts / window
    let bucket = Math.floor(w / bucketSize)
    buckets[bucket] += w
    if (watts[i]) totWatts += watts[i]
    if (watts[i - window]) totWatts -= watts[i - window]
  let data = [
      x: x,
      y: buckets,
      type: 'bar',
      marker: {
        color: '#63c',
        opacity: 0.7

  let layout = {
    title: {
      text: "Time in " + bucketSize + "w buckets"
    margin: {
      l: 30,
      r: 20,
      t: 20,
      b: 30

  chart = { data, layout }
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Thanks a lot!

However, I do not understand the meaning of the unit used on the y-axis. Can you elaborate?

Is there a way to plot the same distribution not only for an activity but for all cycling activities in a specific time frame or season?

Btw. maybe an easier solution would be to allow users to use the existing plot (see above) and add options for smaller buckets / show more ticks?

You can’t plot this histogram for lots of activities yet. That is on the todo list. I have made the bucket size for power and heart rate histograms configurable. Click the pencil icon at the bottom left of the chart:

Screenshot 2023-09-24 at 20.16.48

I also fixed a bug that was hiding the power and bpm bucket numbers on the marker.


Nice one! That is a great addition!

One more feature request or idea to improve your customize option for the power and hr distributions charts.

Currently, the y-axis does not adjust its range when you change the bucket. Maybe add a line of code to make the y-axis range depend on the largest value (time in minutes or seconds), given for the selected (default) bucket size? Then it should be perfect. :slight_smile:

It does adjust the range but there is always a chunk of time in the 0 watts bucket. This shows up more when there are many small buckets. I have added an option to exclude the 1st bucket from the chart:


Wow! Now it is perfect! Thank you so much for this great new feature!

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