Personal Records Tab


I’m a massive fan of this app, and have enjoyed finding more gems of data every day through your work.

Apologies if this is something that has already been requested, but it would be great to have a “Personal Records” tab on the left, like in Garmin Connect, but way more configurable. I know we already have best efforts for power and pace, but it would be great to have 1 tab where we could see all of our personal bests, by season, configurable date range, and all time, all in one place. So this could include anything we set, such as “Best 20km cycling speed”; “Best 30min HR”; “lowest resting HR”; “Most weight lifted”; “Best swolf value” etc, for any sport that has the data points uploaded. Not only is it great to see all this data, but it also helps for threshold progression tracking, and anomaly identification.

Many thanks,



Would like this as well.
I’m planning some big rides and runs for this year and it would help to easily find my previous biggest rides and runs.

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