Performed vs Planned Load in the Calendar/Activities


so I think there is a bug in the Calendar view, which shows on the top left of a week the calories I burned so far, but then the total load (you can see it is 340, the same as on the right which is the weekly target/plan):


If the kcal value is the actual so far this week, then the Load next to it should also be the actual load so far, no? Especially because the targeted load is anyway on the right of it already.

It’s a bit complicated.
When you have no (real) activities for the week, you get this view, which shows your planned load and it becomes the load you see everywhere.

When you have an activity within the week. But no planned ones.

This is what happens when you have a plan activity. Bear in mind that it’s diff between if the plan is Prev to to Today, eg: today is Tuesday, I have a plan Monday, Notice how the Plan load is not taken into account? This is cause, the day is over, you didn’t do the planned activity, so your Load (Plan + actual) gets Monday’s load number removed.

NOw, notice what happens, when I move the planned activity from Monday to Wednesday (basically tomorrow), you see that the Load now becomes 11

so , in a nutshell, at the begining of the week, your planned load = your actual load. as you move thru the week, any planned activity which you didn’t execute will get taken out of the week’s load.

BTW - the caloric burn is taken directly from the FIT/TCX file, so for some ppl it might be missing (depending on whether their device calculates it and puts it into the TCX/FIT file)

This is actually not true. This is still the same explanation as above.

weekly Target Load would show just beside the “Bicycle” icon columns. (under Target). (your screenshot missed this). Example here, I put 500 as the target load for Ride

If you want to go thru your compliance numbers, then theres also another thread about it. (I asked about this recently too)

"This is actually not true. This is still the same explanation as above.

weekly Target Load would show just beside the “Bicycle” icon columns."

It does. That is exactly where I see it.

Did a second session today, the kcal on the left went up, the load went down because I had a terrible session and went too hard (or I am just significantly weaker indoors, but that’s irrelevant for the point) and had to stop earlier, but crucially it is still the same on the left as it is on the right:


Sorry, but to me that just does not make sense. The left is for actual numbers, the right is for the plan. It has no sense to display the actual kcal burned on the left, but for the load to just equal the plan. Sorry, but that is nonsensical.

your (newest) screenshot still does not show the target. Please see below circled in red. Could you update the screenshot?

I do not have that.


in that case, your Load would be the same on both sides. (The left and right )
its a combo of plan and actual.

I understand what @LennK is asking and it does the same with me. In my current week the 568kcal is inline with my actual workout from yesterday, but the 342 load is the plan for the week. Surely this should be the actual load? It’s mixing actual figures with planned figures.

Below, red is planned and green is actual.

Surely it would be better if it showed planned in one section and actual in another section?

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On the left are totals, on the right it is per discipline (bike, run, …)
It is always the sum of the loads done in the past + loads planned in the future. Today is considered future for as long as there is nothing done.


But it’s mixing actual with planned

  • 568kcal is actual, from the single workout; the actual was 571kJ / 568kcal (23.8% efficiency).
  • The planned kJ based on time in zones is 575kJ

So if it’s totals on the left, it should show either actual or planned, not a mix (logically speaking).

It doesn’t bother me.
The session goals are more important (to me), than seeing a cumulative number vs total number.

@MedTechCD says it very succinctly and is correct. The goal is to show you what your plan will do if you follow it.

The kcal bit is confusing things because as @app4g says that just comes from the .fit files for completed activities with no contribution from future planned workouts.

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Ok, yes, that is what got me, the kcal.

Can they not be estimated too, based on the planned power output? I mean that is what the .fit files contain as the kcal value anyway, just with actual power output.

Thats a good point, it could be estimated assuming some efficiency.

How difficult would it be to base the “efficiency” on a 42-day rolling average of the formula (below, in bold)?

Per activity:
Assuming 1kcal = 4.184kJ
The activity kcal / (Work * 4.184) = “% efficiency”.

I’ve taken my last 3 months worth of data from the table view on activities.
The linear average is 24.34%, with a min value of 22.54% and max 26.01%.
I stripped out two workouts, one which was a downhill roll home after getting a lift from a race earlier in the day. If doesn’t add value except for distance on the bike.

If I apply the average % to my planned workouts, I’ll end the week on about a 3-4% variance higher kcal than what my device would record. I guess I would need to compare indoor vs outdoor, temperature, intensity, etc., to see why some are 22.x% vs the bulk in the 24% range.
A quick check on the workouts, all the 22.x% workouts were all on the IDT, as either Threshold/VO2 workouts, a ramp test or some very easy endurance rides. My outside rides seem to be in the 24.x% range.

If you want the spreadsheet I used, let me know.

But isn’t the device just assuming some efficiency and converting the kJ work done into Calories (kcal)?

Exactly, the actual isn’t truly actual anyway, it indeed assumes some efficiency parameter, so why not just do the same for planned?

Here is the link to the First Beat white paper on energy expenditure estimation, for Garmin devices

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