Percentage of ftp to vo2max

It would be interesting to be able to implement at what percentage of the vo2max the ftp is at in order to make decisions regarding training strategy.



What about using the Power/HR graph on the Compare tab?

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That percentage is looked at through ftp modelling and peak aerobic power, the heartrate would be to then analyse whether or not those sets have been productive.

Which vo2max should be used for this? The captured wellness one or the one derived from 5m PPO? And captured FTP or eFTP?

I think the only long term solution to the inevitable explosion of metrics is to add support for custom metrics for activities, wellness etc… Have been thinking about how that might work.


For me, it would be the one derived from 5min PPO expressed as a % of FTP and eFTP…please :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Uses pvo2max modelling (MAP) and compares it with mftp modelling (eftp).

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Probably 5min PPO vs %ftp/eftp. Paid wko5 has similar graph. Would be grat if someone with paid or trial wko could check what they use (i used already my trial so can’t help). As seen on wko5 podcast, it is very good to plan when to move from ftp work phase into vo2max intervals - 80-84% is max you can get and there is no point in futher building ftp withour rising your vo2max first. btw. for them it is probably one of most important graphs

eFtp and MAP

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Custom metrics would be the way to go, I think. Most of what your users ask for is already done elsewhere or can be done with a little DIY effort.

There’s so many different ways to estimate vo2max and threshold that the user should find what method works best for them and go with that.

Can you please provide a more specific link to “WKO5 podcast” or literature on the 80–85 % max ratio?

It is mentioned quite a lot in the WKO5 Education webinars by Tim et al:

The Annual Training Concepts series discusses when to “move on” from one training phase to the next - for example in part 2 this slide is shown and the relation between FTP as a % of VO2Max is highlighted - general concept is when you reach an FTP of about 85% of VO2Max (assumed 5 min MAP) you need to then start to raise your ceiling and do some VO2Max work to grow your FTP into.

I would recommend watching the WKO5 Educationwebinars if you haven’t - I think they are excellent.


the video linked by Olly_Thomas
it is mentioned in another videos too but can’t find it right now, just have a saved photo from a lecture on my phone (i saw most of them so kt is hard to find which one it is from):


Just to use it as a guide, can the critical power/ftp be raised at 86%? Yes and no. There are athletes who are going to improve it and others who are not, as a guide for an amateur cyclist it is fine, hence my request.

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Just to build on this thread with some other relevant/ adjacent info people might be interested in… Alan Couzens did a couple of interesting tweets a few months ago which I took screenshots of, looking at the % relationship between VT1/2 and VO2Max etc…



I did some of my own very rough maths/ analysis using some %FTP/HR figures etc as proxy to see how I paired against his thinking…



This is based on statistics, each person is a complex system and is not applicable to everyone, but it is a starting point.


Agreed - but it was a fun exercise nonetheless and allowed me to geek out on some data - part of the additional enjoyment I get from the training process :smiley:


It’s like a bike fit; the average setting gets the masses close enough, to then allow the fine tuning to reach optimal.


I agree with Alan Couzens’ progression.

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