Pace zones progress

This is the little pace zones table so far … does it make sense to the runners out there?


I’ve used the threshold to calculate it on TP (Joe Friel’s method) and that’s what I’ve got

How are you going to calculate the load based on running pace? Are you going to the equation below:

If that’s the case, I remember I’ve tried it on the past but the load result was always different from what was calculated on TP. After a search on the web I’ve found this topic:

Hope it helps.

Makes sense, would you be able to pick which metric to use for TL on an activity by activity basis? I do most of my long runs on trails so pace is not really relevant, but maybe I would want to use it for the track (if I didn’t use my Stryd for power).

I was planning to use pace for load only if power and HR are not available.

Tx for all the info @Gean_Gustavo_Brum . I will tweak the percentages I have to get exactly the same zones as TP.


I believe Pace is a better metric for Load estimation than HR for running. I would suggest you to use it first before HR TSS (TP does the same) :slight_smile:

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Pace would be better for estimating the load for running then HR!

That needs the caveat of “grade adjusted” pace does it not? Then it’s just a few constants (ignoring wind) from a calculated running power. Plain old pace would likely give inaccurate load metrics unless running round a nice flat running track.

This won’t be gradient adjusted pace at first unless I can find a model for that somewhere.

I am making the “training load order” configurable so you can choose per sport to use pace first or power first etc…


Great, could you do it on activity basis rather than sport? As explained above, the best to use for running really varies on the terrain (Power first, HR for trails or hilly road, pace for track or flat road)

Yes my plan is to show all 3 loads (power, HR and pace) in the edit load box and then you can choose what load to enter for the activity or make up something else entirely.

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I was checking the pace table, and I had doubts about the way it is calculated.

Well, for a 5:00 pace threshold:
72% of this would be correct 6:24
91% => 5:27
The rest appears correct
97% => 5:09

Why does zone 1 show 6:57?


It is all done in meters/second. Your threshold pace is 5:00 mins/km which is 3.333 mps. 72% of 3.333 is 2.4 which works out to 8.64 km/h or 6:57 mins/km. So I think the table is correct.

300sec/0.72= 416.667 sec = 6:57min rounded
300sec/0.91= 329.67 sec = 5:30min rounded

Looks correct to ma.