Newbie; how do I upload Garmin activities?

Hi, new to this and trying to get it to work. This seems like a dumb question but haven’t seen anything posted. I have Garmin Connect authorized and set the date to Jan 1st. I want to upload workouts from this year but nothing is happening. What am I doing wrong?

It looks like you only have TCX files on Garmin Connect. Unfortunately only supports FIT files. Support for TCX and GPX files is on the todo list.

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Thanks for the reply. What is a fit file? All my workouts come from iSmoothRun and I moved them over to Garmin so I could use intervals. I don’t think iSmoothRun makes fit files.

Hmm. You would need to use some sort of converter to convert the TCX files to FIT format. I did a quick Google and there do seem to be quite a few ways of doing this. I will have support for TCX in “soon” but I can’t say exactly what “soon” is unfortunately.

Golden Cheetah can do this for sure, but that would mean installing a full suite only to convert TCX to FIT.
BTW FIT is a workout file format that can handle more different types of data than TCX.

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