New metric: Power / HRR

Can we have a similar metric like Pw / HR-Z2, but instead:
(Power / (HR - HR-base))
With exclusion of: warm-up, cooling-down and decoupled part.


So that would be average power for the ride (excluding warmup/cooldown) over HRR?

Yes, indeed.

The power/heart-rate relationship is intrinsically linear with an intercept of (P=0, HR=HRbase) (Excluding anaerobicpower)
By estimating the ratio of Power/heart rate, without taking the HRbase into account, the efficiency is not comparable across different HR-zones.
If we take the HRbase into account, we could compare the ratio independent of which intensity at which the ride was done at.

I actually don’t know when it would be ever interesting to look at the ratio Power/HR without taking Base-Hr into account ?
If you know, could you shed some light on this ?

It might even be interesting to track how this ratio evolves after a certain amount of work has been done, to evaluate how efficiency and decoupling evolve over time.
Lets say: “Efficiency after 100 Wh of work (and before 200 Wh)”.
But this out of scope for this feature request :slight_smile:


Any progress on this ?
Currently I track this metric in excel, would be nice to have it automated in :slight_smile: