Naming interval : get the existing labels when typing in the textfield


I have a sugggestion when labelling / naming a interval in the popup . In the texfield , when the user start to type the interval name, we can have a typeahead drop down that get the existing interval name of the current user .


I have added that to the todo list.

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Nice @david !!!

Hi @david
Any plan to implement this feature of labelling intervals .

May I suggest another feature , it is to be able to search intervals by its label name too , that would be terrific !

It will get done eventually. How would “search intervals by name” work? Take you to one of the activities with intervals with that name?


I see the search interval by name added to the /intervals page with a new field : Label
where user enter the label name .
When the focus is on the textfield, a drowdown will show the existing labels of the user.
When user begin to type, a lookup search will be done to retrieve the matching labels and present the label in the drop down.

Does this make sense ?
Should I make another Request Feature for this search label feature since thecurrent thread is for the original feature above ??

Ah I get it. No need for new feature request.

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so for the search of the interval name will give the same result as search by the current criteria time, power or cadence, it will give the same graph as now.

Thanks David !

Apologies for hijacking this.

I’m trying to find the meaning behind the “labels” that look like “L8.65” on the “interval-boxes” in the ride view.

What do those mean?

Screenshot 2021-09-15 at 20.05.45

I gues it is the training load

The label I am talking in this trhead is the label name you give to an intervel , not the label you are talking

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Thanks a lot!
I somehow missed that