More prominent colour for completed workouts / Traffic Light Compliance Indicator

Hi David,
A minor point and possible one that is a personal choice but is there any chance that the colour of completed workouts in the calendar for ‘all’ activities could be made a little more prominent/consistent?

At the moment some of the completed workouts seem to have a dark blue banner, whereas others have a light grey banner and I’m not sure what the difference signifies. Now that the planned activities from TP calendars are a nice light blue colour, the light grey completed activities don’t stand out as much as they could.

On the subject of colours, I love the understated design of the calendar and it’s clean, professional look. I do however also quite like the traffic light compliance colour coding of TP as it’s a useful ‘at a glance’ visual to see how training is going and also something of a motivational tool. Is there any way of including a compliance type traffic light system within the calendar? Maybe not colour coding the entire entry in the same was as TP but maybe just a green, amber or red dot to signify whether or not workouts were completed as planned?

I’m not sure of the mechanics behind this, but it would be better it calculated the compliance rating rather than extracting it from TP because ultimately it would be better if such a feature workout indepently from TP - You already rely on Strava for workout data, you don’t really want to rely on TP for other info as well.


Interesting ideas. Currently: dark blue = activity, dark red = activity that was a race, light blue = planned workout, light red = planned race, grey = activity without power or HR.

I like your compliance dots idea. One issue is I need to match activities (from Strava) to planned workouts on the calendar. Should be able to get that right.

I am on leave for a few weeks from next week and am planning to get a lot done!

Sounds good… I’ll look forward to it. :slight_smile:

I have added compliance percentage markers to activities. Missed planned workouts are also shown. I am not sure I am all that happy with what it looks like. Bit messy.

I could change the activity top blue gradient to show the colour coding instead. Might work better.

I like the percentage markers - good to see an actual figure as well as the colour. Does it look any ‘neater’ if the entire background of the activity were colour coded rather than just the compliance percentage line? Or perhaps moving the colour coded percentage line so that it is the second line of data just below the dark blue title rather than having a colour coded line of text in the middle of the activity data?


I will have to play with those things tomorrow. I have just fixed a bug in the calendar import that caused a lot of your swims to be imported as notes instead of workouts. Going to deploy that now which will cause the app to be unresponsive for a little bit.

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Bit too colourful I think … going to try change the blue gradient to show compliance.


I quite like it as it helps delineate one activity from another, but you’re the boss and I’m sure just colour-coding the blue title will be just as useful. (I’ve only seen your screenshot so far though, I haven’t seen it in real life)


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I am most certainly not a designer! Struggle with this sort of thing. Here is another:

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I like the first one, but see what others think as well?


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Here is your line idea:

For completeness the current live version:

My preferred one is still the first one you posted today with the entire activity colour coded. But this is your ‘baby’ so if you don’t like it go with your favourite or have options and see which version other people prefer. Such things do come down a little to personal preference at the end of the day and you’ll never get a full consensus for such things as everyone has different aesthetic tastes. :slight_smile:

My wife likes the current live version :slight_smile: So that might well win out. Busy working on a help popup with a key for the colours etc.