I have fixed the error message. This is due to an error happening w/ TrainerDay. (A Paid TrainerDay account is needed to sync the WOD, else will have an error)
I sent a video, where we can see everything that is happening, I hope it helps to resolve this situation
Newest Release Has even more integration.
Additional Features:
Activity Charts
Gears Used - Manual Pairing / Re-Pairing / Change
Planned Workouts Descriptions
Give it a test drive! Let me know any feedback for improvements!
Apple App Store Link: BreakAway: Indoor Training on the App Store
More descriptions here:
Really nice. Great to take a quick look after a ride.
Some things that I noticed:
I can’t select cadence or speed in the activity chart, only these two:
The heart rate axis is way off, (my max HR is not 300)
The first gear entry is shown twice:
This is the correct list:
i THINK i fixed the issue w/ the speed or cadence not being available (i had hardcoded some other defaults instead of using the current sport)
For the HR data discrepancy(note that the Y-scale is Power Data). What you’re seeing now is because of laying (All the) data into the same chart. In order to do that, i had to normalise the HR data into the Power Scale. (in my own graph, it’s not as apparent because my power value is at the similar range as my HR value)
If you scrub the chart, you should see the correct values of HR / Power etc.
I will PM you for help on additional details and gathering of some logs.
New update (BETA only)