Matching Workouts to Activities

Hi. I started switching from TP completely, so I created my full schedule on here to see the fitness chart properly filled out.

My problem now is that somehow the priorities on what to check when matching planned workplace to done workouts are other than I’d figure they’d work.

E.g. I’ve created a route - split in part 1 and 2 - for a ride to a friend and back home again.

I’ve added start times and durations, so they show up properly in my calendar.

However most of the time it merges the wrong workout first. Part I is usually with a higher load since I’m going slightly faster than back home. So when I’m going a bit easier it matches the Part II (going home) to the first ride.

I thought it would pick the first one (if there is more than one - and the time is within like 30min)

That problem leads me to another point. There seems to be no way to „unlink“ the planned workout from the activity. (At least when viewing the page on my iPhone)

@david am I doing something wrong here? Or is there any documentation on how the activities get matched to planned events?

my workouts has a graphic, so I will press on the graphic, after a while, it will show that it’s selected, then I will move it away to like the Dates on the side. After that, I release the finger and it’s “unlinked”

that sounds like a plan for unlinking - I’ll give it a try this weekend.

The question of why it’s matched “all wrong” still remains.

It matches by load if possible and by moving time otherwise. You should be able to manually choose my dragging and dropping the workout onto a different activity. You can unpair by dragging it off the activity.

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Thanks for the clarification. So I need to get my load predictions even more specific :wink:

Are the fact that it has a time of day set (and how close the workout is to that) even considered? Or is it planned? Because the way out and back are exactly the same distance. And depending on how hard I go the duration and load vary enough to match the wrong thing.

No time of day is not considered. Most people don’t set that.

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That works fine on a laptop, however on my phone when the days are listed on top of each other rather than next to each other, I can “select” the planned workout and drag it away, but there is nowhere to “drop” it, so it snaps back and stays merged once I take my finger off the screen. Is there maybe a way to get an “unmatch” action within the actions menu of the activity itself? Because dragging a workout onto an activity to match them works fine on mobile (at least the few times I tried it did)

I have added an unpair option to the Actions menu. Tx.

