Marking workouts completed

I enjoy adding workouts like weights and yoga to I do not want to post them to Strava. Is there a way I can plan these workouts and then just mark them as completed?

Thx in advance.

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You can add a manual activity for those:

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Ty, that works perfectly.


But for example, if i mark a weight training as completed in TraningPeaks is there any way to also sync without having to add a manual workout in intervals? (I have a shared calendar while my premium TP subscription still is on)


Hi and I’m sure others will weigh in with more info. I found that when I posted a weight workout to Strava, Intervals would pull that info and mark my Intervals workout as completed.

If I hadn’t added a workout to Intervals, then the completed workout would just populate as completed.

I’m not sure if the same syncing occurs with TP. If you sync TP to Strava, that may be a temp solution.

Like I said, David will be the definitive voice.

I have Garmin instead Strava, i think the main issue is Garmin only pick up the structured workouts (Bike, srun) and not weights. So this workout will be never completed (it doesnt even show in my calendar) in Garmin and so will never know.

I also use Garmin but push all data to Strava and then Intervals pulls from Strava. In Intervals I have selected Strava syncing.

Using Garmin Connect on my iPhone, I was able to add a new strength workout and enter various data (time, reps, HR if strap worn, etc) so Garmin Connect has that completed info. I’m wondering if you authorize Garmin Connect syncing from within Intervals, if this may solve the issue.

Good luck

Another option is to setup a Strava account (free), and then let TP and Intervals each pull from Strava. Garmin will upload to Strava and TP and then Intervals will pull from a common source. This exactly what I do. For weight exercises I just add a manual workout to Strava and both TP and Intervals sees and interprets the workout.

Hoping this gives you some options

Yeah, maybe the solution is to use a Garmin watch when doing the strenght workout or add a manual workout in Strava.

Because if i just create a workout with 45 minutes in Garmin Connect, it show in 0 minutes because in it takes the total time of each rep and set. So i cannot just create a strenght workout in GC, i need to fill it with info :frowning:

If i add a manual strenght workout in he never assumes it unless i have this option


Without the option of planned, it also removes the Core 25 minutes.

I have another suggestion: would it be possible to include a checkbox for every workout, with which I can mark a workout as completed?

I know it works to add a manual entry to the calendar, but if I do not have data (or don’t want to record the activity) it would be more convenient to just tick the workout as completed.

I am going to add that. Soon I hope.

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Great! Thanks.

Probably the easiest way to do this is to add a “Create Manual Activity” option somewhere on the workout dialog to automate that part. So if you did the workout but don’t have a file then you create a manual activity from the workout.