Manual entry kilocalories burned

Hi all,
is there a way to overwrite or enter the kilocalories burned manually?
I am using a Karoo2 and sync via Suunto, for some reason kcal are not synced, even though it is calculated on the K2.

many thanks


the kCal in is actually taken directly from the FIT file of the headunit.
Perhaps you can check if

  1. the original FIT file has this data?
  2. was the data stripped out when going from K2 → Suunto → Intervals? (like strava, they strip out some fields)

I assume the Fit-file contains this data as it appears on the Hammerhead page


Not sure how to check the Fit-file, I have tried to manually upload the exported file from HH, but it appears to be not possible since it is already synced from Suunto.

it could also be a value computed within HH’s webpage instead of on-device. Can’t really tell as I don’t have experience w/ HH data/fit files.

You could load up into a FIT to CSV converter or use a FIT File Viewer

or you could delete the existin one from suunto and upload the file from HH.

thank you for the viewer. Having converted the file and in fact, at the very bottom of the file there is a field “total-calories” and it is empty.
Appears as if HH calculate kcal on their dashboard.
Which brings me to the initial question: any option to enter it manually?

thanks so far

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I have just made Calories and editable field so you can enter it manually.

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Wow, thank you David for your fast response and implementation…


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