MacroFactor Integration

It would be really useful to integrate MacroFactor (calorie and macronutrient counter) to Intervals. You could have the possibility to create graphs on the nutrients consumed automatically, without doing it manually and individually.

Looks like they don’t have any plans to build an open API in the near future. But you can use Health Connect on Android or Apple Health on IOS.

Thanks Med,
You are always a great resource!
actually I have already synced it with Apple health.
But I don’t know how to sync Apple Health to Intervals

I don’t understand this policy of not expanding associations with other apps; wouldn’t it make them more successful?

I´m not an Apple user, so can´t help in detail. But Health Sync looks like a possible link. Maybe also BreakAway? @app4g ?

That thread should help?

how can I help? I had the impression that you’ve used BreakAway before to try to sync your renpho or was it Tanita scale, but unfortuantely the Tanita doesn’t offer any API integration (i also checked macroFactor)

hello App4g,

I hope you are well.

You are not wrong and you remember well :slightly_smiling_face:.
I often use your BreakAway App which I find really excellent.
You have always been kind and available in offering me help, and as you say also for a possible synchronization with the Tanita RD545 medical scale for body composition.
In the end, I decided not to rely on the import of the CSV file on Intervals, but to manually enter the data every day, in the sections that I created. Now I finally have a graph that shows my body composition trend.
And now using MacroFactor, I also have a graph that shows me the macronutrients consumed every day; here too I enter the data from the ios app, manually on Intervals. As for tanita.
Of course having an automatic integration system in Intervals would be excellent, but for now it’s fine like this. :upside_down_face:
Regarding Apple Health, yes it receives all the data automatically from both Tanita and MacroFactor, but we stop there. :roll_eyes:

you can use BreakAway to sync AppleHealth → Intervals using the guide/link/thread above.

The BETA has this new feature as well

which goes directly into Intervals. (maybe in future can consider a sync to Apple Health as well)

wow, I can’t believe it :smiley:
now after lunch I’ll try to do the setup. and I’ll let you know.
thanks so much