Looking for Apple Watch Users to beta test Apple Watch HR broadcast to iPhone App

I just managed to get Apple Watch connectivity to my BreakAway: Indoor Training App such that I can get Apple Watch HR to broadcast directly to the app in lieu of actually having a compatible BT HR strap

The code I have on hand seems to be doing it correctly and w/ limited testing (I don’t actually own an Apple Watch, so all testing has been done on the simulator)

(An example can be seen here)

Would anyone be willing to Beta Test this and provide feedback?

Will post a Beta Link when I get a newer version uploaded.


Hello, I own an S7 if it helps you already know :wink:

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Oh Wow… Will post a link when I have the new version compiled, uploaded and approved.

Tx again for your help.

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The (BETA) App now has Apple Watch HR support. If you have the chance, please do install it to the Watch and give it a spin.

Basically all I’m looking for is

  1. does it work

if it doesn’t then will either need to debug or buy an apple watch? (I wish i had the extra cash laying around to do that)

TX again

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I already had the opportunity to test it a few days ago, it worked, but there is a problem, when the watch goes into standby mode (Auto Dim) after about 15 seconds without touching it, in that state it stops transmitting the HR


Question… does this happen also w/ the normal Apple Workout app? Does it auto-dim after 15secs?

Does the Apple Watch still show HR data and is updating?

I only have the simulator and on it, seems like when I disable the “always on” function, the screen will dim and the HR will stay static on the watch, but continue to transmit & update to the Phone app.

Looks like I’m not sure what’s happening. Will need to research more.

What happens if you enable the Always ON display? Will that help?

What about this?