Just Fitness and not Training,,,

I love intervals.icu and thought I’d see if there are any other users that use it like me just for fitness / weight loss and not really for training… and share how they use intervals in their daily life… so I thought I’d start.

So I’ve just reached 50, recovered from a Hernia operation earlier in the year and have been cycling for fitness for years.

Here’s my set up and data workflow:

Road Cycling:
Hammerhead Karoo 2 (just recently switched from Garmin and loving it)
Scosche rhythm24 Heart Rate monitor
Power2Max Ngeco Power Meter
Strava as main source of data

Hammerhead Karoo 2
Apple Watch for Heart Rate using HeartBeatz link
Strava as main source of data

Apple Watch
HealthFit to sync data from Strava

Misc data (weight etc from Apple Healthkit)
HealthFit to sync data to Intervals.icu

So my main focus on Intervals.icu:
Fitness - seeing how this improves overtime, or not if unable to ride
Form - so I can see if I need to take a rest day
Weight - I try not to focus on this too much as I think overall fitness is more important
FTP & eFTP - I hate doing FTP tests and find I don’t need to as eFTP is enough for me… not a figure I get obsessed with

Would love to know how other use intervals.icu and their setup… including what charts to show fitness progress…

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When going with Power or Pace as the main metric for calculating intensity, load, time in zones, and you never do a workout that allows setting a “reasonable” eFTP or Threshold pace, it is practically impossible to correctly judge load and that will make the PMC chart (Fitness chart) unreliable.
If you just go for fitness, it’s probably best to use HR. Most people have some idea of where their LTHR approximately is.
I too hate FTP tests and simply use eFTP from a group ride where I got close to failure. That is good enough to get your loads mostly correct. Any high intensity workout I do is based on the PDC (Power Distribution curve).