Journal (or notes logbook) of all activities

How does one create a logbook or journal of all activities with all the “soft information”?
Any idea on how to do this would be appreciated!

What I’d like to obtain is a chronological list of all activities with their title, their “description” (in my case, as obtained from Strava), the “private notes” from Strava, and the “chat”.

That would allow me to relatively quickly go through a large chunk of activities and skim them (or even search) for various information, from notes on gear or tyre pressure to noted feelings, experiences, or mishaps.

However, it would be great if this was possibly within
Could be in a format like the activity list view or even “simply” (3) additional columns to that view.

I realize that private note download from Strava would still need to be implemented altogether;-)
Also, Strava notes/descriptions would need to routinely update for activities that are overwritten/linked-only Strava files.
It would also be highly beneficial for readability if formatting, e.g., line breaks from Strava would be maintained and displayed.

And on top of this the feature to present all this info as a logbook or journal likely needs to be provided;-)

Any chance of getting this going in
Any ideas on how to do this by other means?

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I think a great first step would be the ability to add the intervals notes text as a column in the activity list view as you note.

As separate, but related good following step would be the ability to have “saved” activity list views/filters so I could have one for reviewing specific things.

Eg. In this case a view that shows workout name, RPE, feeling and associated notes. That way you could quickly scan a block etc you you suggest and would be really useful. Especially when coaching athletes.

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That would indeed be very useful when going the add-note-columns-to-activity-view route;-)

Including self-coaching :slight_smile:

Agreed also! I tend to be able to recall most of the info on myself without reviewing in detail - when it comes to others I coach its more of a challenge :grin:

Now that I have, at least, the Strava notes as a column in the activities list (did I miss this before or did David implement that immediately?), what‘s with

  • updating the comments of linked activities in – I.e., refetching the Strava notes for these Wahoo/Dropbox overwrites of Strava activities?
  • fetching and updating private notes of (such) activities?

I am happy to do both manually, preferably via bulk updates from the activities list…

Also, it would be really useful to have CR/NL preserved in these comments, currently they are very hard to read in

I added another column “Description LF” that preserves line breaks and spaces.

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Thank you for the quick implementation – cool! :slight_smile:

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I went a bit ahead and created a basic version of a tool that produces a PDF of activities public and private notes, see

It’ll need some love and, most importantly, I have to figure out how to get all (updated) activities into it’s local database;-) Help with this would be appreciated, output tuning is something I could surely do myself;-)

Nevertheless, it would still be great to have something like this – e.g., with html output and hyperlinks to the activity pages, in itself :slight_smile:

In principle done, optimization and fine tuning possible (foreseen;-)