Issues with GAP

Hey there!

There seems to be 2 issues with the GAP.

  1. I’ll do a running workout on a flat surface and the GAP will be much faster than my average pace. This is less frequent. (see picture 1)
  2. I’ll do a running workout with hills and the GAP will be almost the same as the average (or slower) (see picture 2)

Based on what I’ve read in other posts, issue #2 could be due to running easier on downhills, but I’m not sure what could be causing the difference on issue #1. It honestly does not bug me that much, as I have in the information in Strava, but it does skew the training load quite a bit.
Would it be possible to make GAP an editable field? So that when this issues occurs, it can man modified manually to adjust the training load accordingly?


I am going to have a look at this on the weekend. I can’t understand that flat one.

The first run has weird velocity data. It has you running at better than 30km/h for 6 minutes or so. The gradient adjusted velocity is derived from that data. Here I have plotted both of them and as you would expect from a flat run there is very little difference:

If I average the velocity data points it comes out at 20.7 km/h which is much more than the actual average speed of 13.7 km/h.

GAP is calculated by averaging the gradient adjusted velocity data which is why it comes out so different.

You can do Actions → Ignore pace data to stop these from messing up your GAP curves.

I am not quite sure what to do about this. Maybe recalculate velocity from the distance and time data? How often does this happen?