@Matthew_Roche Cool!!
I actually had something coded up many months ago (Oct 2021 it seems). Never published, the code is still in the app, just not “used”
My Goal was just to populate this week’s summary data, Form/Fitness/Fatigue and some stats - eventually replacing what I’m using TrainingPeaks Free for.
I left the work “sitting” as the thought of the UI portion of it made my head spin… I just might poke around your UI and use that as “inspiration”, since i’m nearly done w/ my HR Target feature set, which is looking quite good if I do say so myself.
May I know your license terms?
Here’s the raw output dump which at a cursory glance, seems to tally. Tho I’ve not checked in detail in case some of the API output data has changed.
week#16 [Apr 18 - Apr 24]
Current Load:38 Time:57m Dist:224.5 D+:0m kJ:350
Current Fit :5 Fat:5 Form:0
Planned Fit :5 Fat:5 Form:0
Ride : Load:200%[38/19] Time:77%[57m/1h 14m] Dist:100%[224/0km]
Run : Load:0%[0/0] Time:0%[00m/00m] Dist:0%[0/0km]
Swim : Load:0%[0/0] Time:0%[00m/00m] Dist:0%[0/0km]
Others : Load:0%[0/0] Time:0%[00m/00m] Dist:0%[0/0km]
All : Load:200%[] Time:77%[] Dist:0%[]
====== START User Pref =========
icuWeight:91 RestingHR:89
0 userPref ["Ride", "VirtualRide"] - indoorFTP:100 FTP:200
1 userPref ["Run", "VirtualRun"] - indoorFTP:123 FTP:123
2 userPref ["Swim"] - indoorFTP:200 FTP:200
3 userPref ["Other"] - indoorFTP:0 FTP:0
====== END User Pref =========
=== ATL by Day ====
"2022-04-18" 0
"2022-04-19" 0
"2022-04-20" 0.23
"2022-04-21" 4.79
"2022-04-22" 5.26
"2022-04-23" 4.51
"2022-04-24" 3.87
=== ATL by Day ====
==> Weekly Plan
Load:["Ride": 19]
Time:["Ride": 4440]
==> Weekly Real
Load:["Ride": 38] Overall:38
Time:["Ride": 3450] Overall:3450[57m]
Dist:["Ride": 224569.648] Overall:224.6 km
Elev:["Ride": 0.0] Overall:0 m
Work:350 kJ
==> Weekly Target
==> Weekly Zones Times
PwrPlan :["Ride": [3882, 258, 120, 180, 0, 0, 0]])
PwrReal :["Ride": [1696, 1754, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]]
HRReal :["Ride": [1720, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1730]]
AllPwrPlan :[3882, 258, 120, 180, 0, 0, 0]
AllPwrReal :[1696, 1754, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
AllHrReal :[1720, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1730]
==> Compliance
Load:["Others": 0, "Run": 0, "Ride": 200, "Swim": 0]
Time:["Ride": 77, "Swim": 0, "Others": 0, "Run": 0]
Dist:["Ride": 100, "Run": 0, "Others": 0, "Swim": 0]
All :["Dist": 0, "Load": 200, "Time": 77]
==> Fitness Status
FIT(CTL):["2022-04-19": 0.0, "2022-04-24": 4.59, "2022-04-22": 4.81, "2022-04-23": 4.70, "2022-04-20": 3.91, "2022-04-18": 0.0, "2022-04-21": 4.70]
FAT(ATL):["2022-04-23": 4.5, "2022-04-21": 4.79, "2022-04-18": 0.0, "2022-04-24": 3.87, "2022-04-20": 0.23, "2022-04-19": 0.0, "2022-04-22": 5.26]
FORM :["2022-04-18": 0.0, "2022-04-22": -0.26, "2022-04-23": 0.18, "2022-04-19": 0.0, "2022-04-24": 0.72, "2022-04-21": 0.20, "2022-04-20": 3.76]