Intervals.ICU Companion App


Have returned to now I am 100% Cyclist and want to simplify all the training platforms I have so moving forward will be using GC, TR, Zwift & Anyway, has now have a Companion App and if so, is it good to use on my mobile?


There are no official app. But there are many side projects. Each with varying amounts of integration and feature.

Most of these can be found on the SETTINGS page. But these are the few

  1. subintervals (Android / iOS)
  2. breakaway Indoor Traning (iOS)
  3. companion (iOS)
  4. there should be one more but can’t recall from top of my head.

Note that there are others like Healthfit / FitnessSyncer / RunGap which I didn’t mention as they are more towards a util type app

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Thanks. I’ll download it and give it a go.

All of those apps are very good. But I’m still looking for the app (iOS is my choice of platform) where I can easily enter my daily morning feelings (fatigue, soreness, stress, mod, etc…).
I do not have my laptop handy when I wake up. My iPhone is “the smallest” possible and so using the web intervals version is possible but not very slick and smooth, especially with the resolution “congestion”, sizing, a need to find the right day on the calendar, etc, etc… .
I wish to have an app that I can set up to display the morning mood questions as a first screen every morning right after I open the app that day - or actually till I do not fill that form that day.

Reviewing data, graphs, all analyse I can do later mostly from my laptop, but when I do not enter my mood during my morning I usually miss it that day.

Do you know an app that allows for entering mood answers straight to

I use as a PWA in a Android and it works very good to put that values.
I think you can use HRV4Training app with sync Dropbox to put that daily values and they are going to get pushed into intervals, give it a try.

2 posts were merged into an existing topic: IntervalsWellness - simple form to input wellness data

What a game changer!
Congratulations and thanks for this great app. :star_struck: :star_struck:

Not quit sure what you mean. I use that every morning and it’s a simple three click procedure. Open the web version on your phone, tap the + calendar icon then tap Wellness data and you have the wellness dialog for today. Bottom left of that dialog, you can configure which fields will be in it.

Sure thing… But somehow, for me, it never opens on the today date and most of the time I have that tab left on some other sub-page like the last visited activity, so I need to firstly go to the calendar, so I need to roll-out the left bar that is hidden on my mobile. Then I need to tab a calendar icon, then it opens on some ‘random’ date, so I need to scroll the calendar to find today. Usually I need to tilt my iPhone from vertical to horizontal. Then find day, tap on Wellness data field, then enter my data, then usually ok button is hidden because my screen is small, so I need to again scroll…

I hope you get what I mean. I’m not complaining, but for me, it is simply not very optimal ‘user-experience’. Even if the hole service is very well optimized to work on mobiles I feel that my device is below the standard today (iPhone 13 mini) and so it is not very helpful in navigating.

I had that too when I firstly installed it. Then I removed it from my device and installed again and it started to work then.
I probably also removed the granted permissions for Intervals Companion App on the Setting page.

If it is still open on another page in the background, you have to navigate to the calendar. But no matter where you are in the calendar, just hitting the + icon and then Wellness will take you to the wellness dialog for the present date. There’s no need to scroll the calendar to today.

Aaaaaaa :slight_smile: This way… Okay, let me try this flow. Definitely sounds quicker.

From the other hand, maybe the new option in settings to: “Display today’s Wellness Data form if not filled in” - the same way we can see new announcements when David adds something important - added to the calendar options would be great and simplify the flow and - what is even more important - it would be annoying enough to encourage people to fill it regularly.

@david feature request :slight_smile:

Thanks @MedTechCD!

Definitely no!