and Suunto

Suunto support for downloading activities is now live for everyone. I will do a bigger announcement, tweet etc when I have sent Suunto the marketing info they are looking for.

Everyone who offered to help on this thread thanks and I will be in contact as more stuff is developed.

@Joaquin_Perez keeps the gaps if they are short (under 10 mins I think). Longer gaps are left out of the graph.

I can only tell you that great news is coming for 2022 :blush:


Would great to be able to pull through some of the HRV/Sleep stuff if at all doable!

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would like to add: one of the real cool data I like on the Suunto is “Resources”. So I would love to export the value from Resources of the Suunto at 8am morning each day and load it to readiness in Wellness data for intervals.

Don’t know if this has te be considered good or bad news…

Hi, how about history import, will it double activities if I have Strava linked? I would rather have direct from Suunto because of elapsed/moving time differences when trail running. Disconnect Strava and connect with Suunto? Can I re-import history with Suunto activities and delete ones from Strava?

BTW importing wellness data will make this :ok_hand: :ok_hand: :ok_hand:

Suunto activities will replace ones from Strava automatically so you shouldn’t get dups. Wellness will definitely be done as soon as Suunto have API support for that.

Looks lie I messed something. I tried to download all my suunto data, but something got stuck. So I first deleted all activities to go year by year (maybe it was to big of a batch). But now I just cant get some activities, like from 20.11.2021 to today and some older ones. How to start from the beginning? Is there any counter for importing like processing activity 120/2300?

Heh, sorry I think I found my issue, activities were not deleted, but status was changed to ‘deleted’. Will try to undelete and edit now :slight_smile:

Yes thats how it works with Suunto and some of the others. When you delete an activity most of the data is removed but a tombstone is kept to stop it from coming back.

The duration of the activities do not match, SA and the Suunto devices show another duration, for example in these photos you can see my last activity where the duration was 44min 35.8s and Intervals.ciu shows 44min 26s.

Neither the HR data is correct in Intervals.ciu has your max HR at 175 and has clipped HR above that. You need to bump up your max HR in /settings. There is a warning at the bottom of the chart and the HR trace has “orange” dots:

Screen Shot 2022-01-24 at 17.44.02 shows moving time by default which it calculates as 44m27s. The elapsed time is 44m35s. You can see elapsed time on the activity list view:

Thanks @david super clear :ok_hand:
One suggestion, could you add an activity filter by device name? It would be very useful for those of us who use several devices :blush::blush:

Why this difference between moving time and elapsed time?.
For more than I have analyzed it I don’t know

@david or any other, can I remove the HR spikes and altitude dips in the graphs?

This is silly but
on the training analysis page there is a “View on Suunto” link.
This link leads to Sport-Tracker

It would be interesting if the link navigated to Suunto:

Change this:

h t t p s ://…


h t t p s ://…



Yeah, I have same problem too, especially when trail running going uphill I am not fast enough and dose not count that time in moving time :frowning:

I didn’t know about You now get both links. You have to stay connected to Suunto because the link requires your Suunto username.

Screen Shot 2022-01-26 at 19.11.42

If your HR spikes higher than your max then it will be clipped. If it is more subtle than that you can manually edit. Zoom into the portion with spikes and do Actions → Edit data:

Those spikes look like they could be detected automatically but doesn’t have that yet. There is always so much to do! :slight_smile:

I can probably also get rid of the altitude dips. Those are actually missing data points. The also impact the gradient calc.

Your run has the same problem. There are very many drop outs and missed data points. automatically fixes this sort of thing in power and HR data, I need to extend that to the altitude stream at least because it impacts gradient and hence GAP.

I hope to be able to look at the on Friday.


Great, let’s see if we can have the filter you mention soon.

Thank you so much!

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