Interval editing improvements

You can now have intervals that are right next to each other with no recovery interval in between. You can also split(S), merge(M) or delete(D) the interval at the marker position using keyboard keys or by clicking the button. Merging an interval merges it with the work interval on the right hand side.

Split with S to make 3 intervals:

Delete middle one with D:

Merge on left interval with M to put everything back as it was:



Woohoo! :ok_hand:

Yay! Would be also great to improve interval editing on touch devices — I do that a lot because of the Strava laps bug and it is not easy :slight_smile: . Maybe large-ish resize handles on the hovered interval?

Thanks for this David!

Splitting a work interval works well. However, when I go in to the data for my math workout editing the index I see the two work intervals but if I edit one it removes the other.

This is a really cool feature but I must be some kind of idiot because I can’t manage to work it correctly :rofl: any chance someone could do a little walk through vid?

Put the mouse cursor in the zone you want to edit:

  • A to create an interval
  • D to delete the interval
  • S to split
  • M to merge
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Question on merging: Should it merge just the single detected interval immediately to the right of the interval that the cursor is in? Or should it merge ALL intervals to the right?

I ask because I’m seeing the 2nd behavior. Example, I have the following detected intervals:

If I put the cursor in the 1st 1m58s interval on the right and hit (M) I get:

My initial thought was maybe I should zoom in on the intervals I want to merge, but that didn’t change the behavior. Ultimately I’m looking to merge the 4 sets of 2m/8m intervals into 4 single 10-minute intervals.

It should merge only with the interval to the right. I have had issues with this myself when it didn’t update and I pressed M a few times and then suddenly I only had one interval. There is an outstanding bug I need to track down where the web app loses its connect to the server and doesn’t get updates (e.g. when you edit an interval). Reloading the page sorts that out.

Sounds good. I’ll try again, but it doesn’t seem to be an issue w/ multiple presses. I press it once and it happens pretty much immediately, maybe just a second or 2 thinking about it.

Yep, I can hover over the 2nd rightmost interval and hit ‘M’ and it merges with the one to its right. I can then move to the next set of 2, hover over the 2min portion, hit ‘M’ and it merges all intervals to the right.