Interval data table updates

The interval data table on the activity data page now displays averages (with standard deviation) and totals for the selected intervals. Hover over interval group chips under the activity summary to highlight those rows on the table and click the chip to select.

You can see the same data under the ride timeline chart. Click the “Intervals” drop down toggle under the chart (highlighted in blue here):

For custom interval fields there are new checkboxes on the description tab to control calculation (or not) of averages and total for the table. It doesn’t make sense to display a total for “Max Core Temp” so I have turned that off:


Didn’t know I wanted this but already really enjoying it.
For me I’d like the default to be all work intervals (but certainly isn’t a hill I want to die on).
Another super super tiny point, I don’t think W’bal Delta needs a grand total aggregation.

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