Interest in free apple health to intervals App

Hey, last I was looking into syncing my apple health data to intervals it seems no simple free options were available. I cobbled something together for myself and was wondering if there is interest in the community as well (as putting it on the AppStore comes with some effort and cost).

If there is interest, any specific feature wishes that other Apps might miss?


It could be an interesting thing, and it would possibly lead me to test

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There seems to be a free option :

If you’re on iOS. There’s even apple shortcuts. No need to look that far

HealthFit and BreakAway iOS apps both provide this functionality for free too. However, both don’t sync the full metrics possible and have their pros and cons.

tell me what I can do to improve and what metrics are wanted. (I don’t use Apple Health entirely and thus will not have data for some of the items so there’s that gap) I will work on it so long as there are people willing to test it for me.

Field’s I’m missing: VO2max, Steps (in default field), Hydration, Respiration, AVG Sleep HR (needs to be calculated I think, likely not an available metric in AH directly, however, BodyState app does this and shows the value in the app), Mood/Motivation from Mindfulness/Mental app. Length?

Can do… But I need your help to show what are the exact metrics.
eg: VO2Max. I don’t see it in my Apple Health. (I tried search Vo2Max and nothing is shown)
There’s also no Hydration, but there is a field called Water.
respiration - I see respiratory rate
No such thing as Avg Sleep HR
Mood = Mood Changes?
Minfullness - i don’t see this.
also - what is Length?

If you’re really open to help, please send me a PM w/ your the email address (so I can send you a Testfllight Beta invite - this one has the Steps field changed to the default field)

note: I also need the intervals field to map it to.

Maybe I’ll join the discussion and write everything I know because I just use iOS and Intervals on a daily basis.

Vo2Max: there is no such value strictly in the Health app, it’s in the Fitness app and it’s only counted by default for running workouts. So I guess that’s out. On the other hand, there is something like “Cardio Efficiency” where it is just measured by expressing the Vo2Max value.
Hydration: there is just the Water field. You can enter the values yourself, or it’s synced with other apps (e.g., through the WaterMinder app, I add the values of the liquids I drank on my AppleWatch and then it counts as Water in the Health app). It is expressed strictly in units of ml.
Steps: after all, there is already this field in BreakAway so I don’t understand here. In my case, it synchronizes normally in the background.
Heart rate during sleep: there are no direct values given, there is only a graphical representation of how heart rate values changed during sleep, so there is no way to extract any data here.

Found VO2Max data. It’s a field called “cardio Fitness”.

Vo2Max & Water is now supported (in my development branch). But how does one know if this VO2Max is Cycling or Running?

Tx for the hint for water. Apple calls it dietaryWater.

What Apple offers, by way of the Apple Watch, is an estimation of VO2 Max (read: Cardio Fitness), which is generated by way of Apple’s internal calculation run on your sex, height, age, and cardio performance during any outdoor walk, run, or hike activity. By using your body metrics and juxtaposing those values against your GPS-tracked speed, Cardio Fitness provides an estimate of your VO2 Max.


See above. And indeed vo2max is cardio fitness. Don’t think intervals distinguishes between cycling and running?

how is this used and what is it mapped to?

For Height, is it really needed? after 18yrs old, height doens’t change much.

i will add respiratory rate

Just to be complete. Not sure if there’s a need honestly :wink:

and mood changes? There’s only “present” and “not present” and a time. (intervals spport a by day metric so eveything will be averaged to the day)

The following are the new fields which are supported (PM me w/ your email add for BETA test Tx)

Have yet to add “Mood” as I need guidance on this

The 4 options in wellness is currently listed as:

  • great
  • good
  • ok
  • grumpy

Seems a little weighted towards feeling better than not. :blush:

Apple Health only provides the option of "present’ and “not present” and a timestamp. So I’m not sure how this can be used/mapped to intervals.

What about “State of Mind”? See Log your moods and emotions and take mental health assessments - Apple Support. It’s a 5point scale I believe but could be mappable :wink:

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ah… this is why I need guidance. Thx for the link.
So this provides a 7 point scale

Very Unpleasant / Unpleasant / Slightly Unpleasant / Neutral / Slightly Pleasant / Pleasant / Very Pleasant

  • Very Pleasant → great
  • Slightly Pleasant / Pleasant → good
  • Neutral → ok
  • Very Unpleasant / Unpleasant / Slightly Unpleasant → grumpy

Is that OK?

edit: Apple Provides a SLIDING scale and the output is a numeric between -1.0 and +1.0 so this is how the mapping is being done.

  case 0.5...1.0      : return 1 // Great
  case 0.0..<0.5      : return 2 // Good
  case -0.5..<0.0     : return 3 // OK
  case -1.0 ..< -0.5  : return 4 // Grumpy

i have also added Sleep Stages + Avg Sleeping HR in addition to Sleep Hours and since these are custom fields, I have made a little blog post about it.