Importing activity added manually in Garmin Connect

Hi, I just started testing and have the following question:
When I’m importing an activity from Garmin Connect (GC) that I added manually to GC, the distance and speed are imported but not the duration, and I’m not able to edit the duration in (ICU) (see attached images from GC and ICU below). Is there a solution to this?

Best regards, Johan

PS. When I add a manual Calendar Event (a Ride) in ICU, I can add the duration, but this is not included in weekly total time in the far left Calendar column?

I have fixed this and will deploy Tues AM (GMT+2). The fit file for that has moving time and elapsed time of zero and that broke the import.

When you add manual activities in you need to change the category to “Manual Activity”:

Otherwise it is a “Workout” and workouts in the past don’t count towards the weekly totals and so on.

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Thanks for the quick response. Looking forward to exploring this software further - looks very promising!