When you import a zwo work-out the, mandatory enter(CRLF) after the description is not present in the workoutfile.
This cause for instance a ‘2x’ in the description would be interpreted as a 2x-interval.
<description>This is a 2x test</description>
<SteadyState Duration="480" Power="0.5"/>
<SteadyState Duration="240" Power="0.8" Cadence="60"/>
Would be imported into:
This is a 2x test
- 8m 50%
- 4m 80% 60rpm
This result into an interval of 2-reps of the 2steps(50% & 80%)
A correct import would have been:
This is a 2x test
- 8m 50%
- 4m 80% 60rpm